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Soles4Souls shoe drive fights poverty and provides relief

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Category: campus experience Video duration: Soles4Souls shoe drive fights poverty and provides relief
The Graduate School Office of Recruitment, Diversity, and Inclusion, in coordination with Soles4Souls, is hosting a shoe drive. Gently used/new men’s, women’s, and children’s shoes in any size are welcome for donation. Drop-off bins may be found in the Graduate Life Center Lobby, McComas Hall Lobby, and Blacksburg Baptist Church. Donations will be collected through Friday, Feb. 26.
This year's theme for our MLK Service celebration was we can not walk alone. The partnership with holes for souls was a play on that theme. And width office for Chrome and diversity inclusion, we really wanted to have a service event where we could keep social distancing guidelines on sanitation guidelines in place. False for souls isn't organization that partners with other non-profits to offer shoe and clothing donations. And they donate those to developing nations, particularly women, to start their own business and then sell the shoes or clothing. Profit and provide for their families. If you're on the blacks per campus and would like to donate shoes, we are accepting men's, women's and children's gently used shoes. You can visit any of our campus locations, which are the graduate life center lobby or McCombs hall lobby during business hours. And our community partners are Blackburn Baptist Church with select the hours available for Dr. their service to spike of 19. And the individual challenges we have all faced. The greater hokey community has responded with tremendous generosity and we are grateful for their response. Good.