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Hokies at the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute Help Neighbors in Roanoke, Virginia Overcome Food Insecurity

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The Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC recently partnered with the City of Roanoke’s Public Libraries to donate and distribute 500 hams to help neighbors throughout the Roanoke Valley overcome food insecurity. Dozens of faculty, staff, and students volunteered to pack and hand-deliver bags of food as part of the City’s Feed and Read program.
We had an anonymous donor contact our Rona Public Library Foundation asking if we wanted to give out 500 hams to our neighbors. And so of course we said yes. And then we contacted the feeding Southwest and they put together those care that steps were real excited to give back to the patrons that are always here for us and be a part of the community. We have a few community partners at a partnered with us to give out hams and all the fixes, a lot of food and also to do meals for kids today as well. We've covered a lot of people, even though they may be struggle and are just puts cheer and in the library and also in the community. This has been awesome. The neighborhood has been really happy about it, and the librarians has been really happy about it because we get to see your patrons again.