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Using Zoom To Facilitate Discussion Based Classes

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Category: academics Video duration: Using Zoom To Facilitate Discussion Based Classes
Dean Karen DePauw's Preparing the Future Professoriate class utilizes Zoom to maintain their weekly discussion based class while DePauw takes advantage of Torgersen's technologies to provide her students with the nearest thing to a real classroom experience 
[00:00:00] >> This is GRAD- G R A D- 5104 this is a course that is taught out of the graduate school to better prepare our masters and p.h.d. students for becoming a faculty member. I wasn't really worried, I was interested to figure out if I could do a discussion class as we have in the past with everybody up on the screen as you'll see. [00:00:31] we had a good discussion last time, a lot of participation. I have the students show their videos so I can see them, for me it's really important because I like to look at and see the actual faces and some of the expression when they want to jump in and have a conversation and I think that does the same for them so that they can see their colleagues and I think it keeps them more engaged. [00:01:00] When one is just the name and the video is not there then no one's looking at them, or me, if I'm in that case. I wanted to have this space, it also allows for Abram, the g.t.a., to be in this space and that we are keeping a distance, physical distance, that we need because I need him and this room in order to be able to have the people up on the screen have the slides on the screen, when you have the slide sharing on one screen, still sharing. [00:01:37] Then you lose a lot and so that's one of the advantages I think of this space, something like this space to have the multiple screens. It actually went better than I thought