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Department of Food Science and Technology Student Exchange Program

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Category: academics Video duration: Department of Food Science and Technology Student Exchange Program
The Department of Food Science and Technology at Virginia Tech has partnered with the Technical University of Munich for a student exchange program. Students were given the opportunity to study beverage fermentation and learn about how beer is brewed in different countries from brewmasters and distinguished professors. 
[00:00:00] >> A lot of our students are interested in fermentation as careers and this student exchange is the first time we've basically tried to crystallize that and put our students in the hands of the best professors to have in Germany and to have their students also come here and study aspects of American brewing with our professors. [00:00:26] So this is the first year for the exchange and we sent four students over to Freising Germany at Technical University of Munich and there they took courses with their brewmasters to teach their courses over there and they also visited breweries, they visited malt companies, hop companies and visited some of the hop yards in other areas that make that hallertau area of southern Germany so famous for beer. [00:00:58] Today we have some of our German students that are taking part in the student exchange we have with Technical University of Munich and that's associated with Weihenstephan in Freising Germany and that's the oldest brewery in the world. And here they are making beer with the brewmaster and brewers at Big Lick Brewery. [00:01:20] Our goal for this exchange is for our students to go to Germany and learn some of the things that the Germans do very well and for their students to come here and learn some of the things that our brewers do really well, so it's really kind of a great exchange.