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It's easy to donate to local charities through the Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign

Although inflation may have taken a bite out of your paycheck, you can still find ways to donate to local charities through the Commonwealth of Virginia campaign.

Your donation, no matter how small, has an impact. A donation of $50 can provide a week of meals for home-bound senior citizens. Just $35 can provide a Thanksgiving meal for a family of four.

Here are five easy ways you can lessen the impact of inflation on your wallet:

  1.  Save on gas: Keep up with your car’s maintenance, stick to the speed limit, and be strategic about trips. Use apps to find the cheapest price near you or look for stations that offer a discount when you pay in cash.
  2. Cut back on coffee to go: While picking up a coffee at Starbucks or another coffee shop is convenient, these daily expenses add up. Take a few extra minutes at home and make your own coffee.
  3. Drop one (or more) of your streaming services: Just identify the one you're using the least and cut it loose. What's great about Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max and other services is that you can cancel your subscription anytime and resume whenever it suits you – like when a favorite show comes back.
  4.  Make your home more energy efficient: Check windows and doors for leaks, make the switch to energy-saving light bulbs, and unplug chargers when they’re not in use. Also make sure to regularly clean and replace filters and consider investing in a programmable thermostat.
  5. Shop for cheaper alternatives: As you shop for groceries or home goods, compare brands and see if there’s a cheaper option. Look for store brand items, which are often significantly cheaper than other brands, and shop for local sellers of produce.

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Become part of a caring community that helps neighbors in need. Donate now to the CVC through a payroll deduction or by cash, check, or online donation.

With nearly 800 charities to choose from, you’re sure to find a cause that is meaningful to you. This year’s campaign has a goal of $400,000 and runs until Dec. 9. 

For questions or assistance, contact your department representative or steering team member. More information can be found on the CVC website.

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