2022 faculty and staff salary and merit increases
Last modified: Jun 23, 2022, 8:12 a.m.
From: Human Resources and Provost's Office
The Virginia Tech Board of Visitors and Commonwealth of Virginia have approved a 5 percent pool to increase the compensation of our valued employees.
Virginia Tech’s compensation program was approved by the Board of Visitors on June 14. The Commonwealth of Virginia budget, which includes the compensation program, was approved June 21.
Following these approvals, earned increases for calendar year faculty and university and classified staff are effective July 10, 2022, and employees will see any increase in their Aug. 1, 2022 paycheck. Academic year faculty earned increases are effective Aug. 10, 2022, and employees will see any increase in their Sept. 1, 2022 paycheck.
To be eligible to receive merit pay:
- Faculty must have been hired by Dec. 10, 2021, to be eligible, and merit increases were informed by the content of their Faculty Activity Report.
- University staff must have been hired by March 10, 2022, and have at least an “acceptable/developing” performance level on their most recent evaluation. University staff merit increases were based upon a review of performance evaluations.
- Eligible classified staff received a base salary increase of 5 percent as these positions are governed by the state.
Employees who are receiving an increase will receive a notification prior to the increase effective date. See the table below for additional information on how Virginia Tech’s compensation program will be implemented.
Authorized State Program | University Implementation |
Faculty (T&R, A/P, Research) | 5.0% |
4.0% merit-based increase (variable) 1.0% special adjustment (including National Distinction and Outstanding Contributor) (variable) |
University Staff | 5.0% | 3.0% base increase (across-the-board) 2.0% merit-based increase (variable) |
Classified Staff | 5.0% | 5.0% base increase (across-the-board as mandated by the state) |
In addition, the Commonwealth of Virginia budget includes a one-time $1,000 bonus to be paid to eligible full-time faculty and staff on Dec. 1, 2022, as well as a compression adjustment for eligible sworn police officers. More information will be shared at a later date about these adjustments.
If you have questions about the 2022 compensation program, please contact your supervisor or department’s human resources representative.