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On the Record Media Events

Joe Wheeler speaks to the media.

A man gives a presentation at a podium.

"On the Record" events are a series of regular media roundtables hosted by the university’s Media Relations team with the goal of elevating Virginia Tech research and connecting faculty to reporters from national and trade publications.

Recent "On the Record" events:

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It’s no longer a novelty to see a drone overhead, but knowing its purpose or who is flying it can be pretty challenging. Virginia Tech expert Mark Blanks talks about topics including on-going remote identification work and air traffic control for drones — and why both are vital to widespread package delivery of consumer goods by unmanned aircraft. Blanks directs the Virginia Tech Mid-Atlantic Aviation Partnership (MAAP) — one of seven national FAA-designated test sites for unmanned aircraft. 

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Computer science expert Naren Ramakrishnan, the Thomas L. Phillips Professor of Engineering and the director of the Discovery Analytics Center, talks about how government leaders and urban planners are using data to predict behavior patterns and offer solutions to local challenges.

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Virginia Tech faculty and students are designing the home of the future — one completely powered by solar energy, loaded with smart technology, responsive to voice commands, and built in a factory to fit your budget and lifestyle needs. Join us for an early preview and discussion with Virginia Tech architecture Professor Joe Wheeler about how this innovative “cartridge concept” housing is a practical and affordable solution to meeting the growing world population and climate change crisis.

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Cyberbiosecurity is an emerging new field at the intersection of biosecurity and cybersecurity that has potential value and applications for national security, economic competitiveness, and societal well-being across personal and public health, agriculture and food systems, and natural resources protection and management. Join Randy Murch, research lead for the National Capital Region Research Development Team, as he gives his presentation, “Cyberbiosecurity: Life Sciences Have Gone Digital - What Could Go Wrong?”

Automated vehicles are poised to take over the road, and Virginia Tech is leading the way in advancing research surrounding their safety and reliability. Andy Schaudt, Project Director for Automated Vehicle Systems at the Virginia Tech Transporation Institute, leads this presentation. 

Click to view his presentation.

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Growing population in urban areas throughout the world elevates the need for collaboration among local government leaders and city planners to ensure a sustainable public transportation infrastructure that is well-connected, convenient, and affordable to meet regional needs. 
Join Virginia Tech along with urban planning and policy experts to learn about effective European models that could offer innovative solutions to improve regional coordination and public transportation challenges in the D.C. metro area. 

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